Andy Hawthorne Photography

The outdoors...

This scene shouted at me as I walked past.

I was on the Isle of Wight, walking along a Red Squirrel trail towards Newport.

The sky loaded up with dramatic clouds and threatened to release heavy rain.

But it was sunny and warm at the same time, which created dramatic light.

Meanwhile, there was restoration work going on along this part of the River Yar.

So, there were piles of logs and undergrowth cuttings all over the place in this part of the walk.

And the occasional clearing.

The first one looked interesting. But I walked on without shooting a photo. I didn't get that feeling.

Likewise, the next one was... sort of interesting but not enough for a photo.

Then I thought, "Why am I looking at these places?

It's not like I classify myself as a traditional landscape photographer.

But after a few more yards, I came across the scene in my photo above.

It shouted at me.

You know those moments when a photo opportunity slaps you in the face?

This was one of those.

The light, the mood. And the atmosphere.

It was a total no-brainer to shoot the scene.

Looking back on it now, there was a lesson here.

You've got to keep watching, observing. Photos can jump out at any time.

Like this one did.
